MECC Receives Appalachian Regional Commission Grant To Support Individuals Recovering from Substance Use Disorder



Big Stone Gap – 靠谱的买球网站 has received a $439,669 Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) Investments Supporting Partnerships in Recovery Ecosystems (INSPIRE) grant to provide training and support services for individuals identified as in recovery from addiction.

项目改善及扩展, 或Am-Ex, will build on an existing 项目一个melioration grant which has provided free basic construction, 管道, and masonry training for more than 30 students in Wise County since 2021. The original 项目一个melioration grant was administered by the Lenowisco Planning District, MECC作为次级担保合作伙伴.

项目一个m-Ex will expand services and training locations to include Wise, 迪金森, 和李县. 学生 will receive hands-on training along with referrals and access to legal aid services, 金融教育, 生活技能培训, 道德认知疗法(MRT), OSHA认证, 咨询服务, 社会服务, 以及就业援助.

AM-EX will continue partnering with LENOWISCO Planning District Commission, 阿巴拉契亚小镇, 西南弗吉尼亚法律援助协会, 边疆卫生与第30届成人毒品司法法院, and expand with the assistance from 迪金森 County Public Schools, 李郡学校, 李郡职业生涯 & 技术中心, 区域成人教育, WIOA, 社会服务部, 以及其他合作伙伴. This project will serve 120 students and 40 workers/trainees.

“项目一个melioration has served as a transformative training opportunity in Wise County,MECC总裁克里斯汀·韦斯特弗说. “We are excited to continue this important grant program that has provided training for individuals that need a second chance to become productive citizens with hands-on training and high need skill sets that benefit our entire region.”

Project Director Stephanie New said 项目一个melioration has been transformative to participants. One student commented, “项目一个melioration gave me a boost of confidence that I needed. When I began, I was in Phase I of Drug Court and struggling. After acing the first test in NCCER CORE, I knew I could do this. 现在我在毒品法庭的第二阶段, 我第一次拿到驾照了, and I am 规划 on pursing my GED at the end of the Carpentry course.”

MECC is currently holding Welding/Fabrication training as a component of the 项目一个m-Ex grant and plans to offer Masonry and Electrical training in spring 2024. 招收, participants must complete a Non-credit Application as well as a Workforce Grant Application, 上可用 或到我们办公室书面申请.

In addition to the nearly $14 million INSPIRE award package, Federal ARC Co-Chair Gail Manchin also announced additional funding for a $265,607 ARISE 规划 grant to the Upper Cumberland Development District that will strengthen a network of SUD recovery-to-work efforts across six Appalachian states—Georgia, 肯塔基州, 北卡罗莱纳, 田纳西州, 维吉尼亚州, 和西弗吉尼亚州. 与他们的国家伙伴合作, the Upper Cumberland Development District will use the ARISE funding to create a multi-state employer toolkit and long-term strategy to engage individuals across Appalachia in SUD recovery into the workforce.

“At ARC, we know that substance use disorder recovery isn’t a singular event, but a continuum. Both workforce training and ending the stigma surrounding substance use disorder are equally important in providing a renewed sense of hope and purpose to Appalachians in recovery,ARC联邦联合主席盖尔·曼钦说. “These INSPIRE grantees are doing the important work to remove all barriers to entry when it comes to recovery-to-work projects across the region, ensuring that all Appalachians have a chance at a bright future.” These INSPIRE awardees will support the SUD recovery ecosystem in 11 Appalachian states by developing and deepening cross-sector recovery-focused partnerships, 扩大对等恢复支持网络, 规划, 实施劳动力培训计划, 加强社区参与和全方位服务, 和更多的. 此外,

MECC is one of only two INSPIRE grants awarded in 维吉尼亚州. The projects will bring INSPIRE’s impact to 60 Appalachian counties for the first time, 将该倡议的覆盖率提高到该地区的83%. A total of nearly $42 million has been invested by ARC across 126 projects since the initiative launched in April 2021. 在一起, 这些项目将影响349个阿巴拉契亚县, 提高2,178家企业, 并帮助准备,772人在工作岗位上寻找新的机会.

“在肯塔基州和整个阿巴拉契亚地区, we believe all of our people are entitled to healthy and happy lives,ARC 2023国家联合主席说, 肯塔基州州长安迪·贝希尔. “We want anyone battling addiction to know they are not alone, and they matter. 不管复苏之路有多长, 肯塔基州 and leaders across the ARC region are here to support them.”

INSPIRE was informed by ARC’s Substance Use Disorder Advisory Council, which developed initial recommendations to address the disproportionate impact SUD had on the workforce in Appalachia compared to the rest of the country – a gap that has only widened since the COVID-19 pandemic. According to recently released CDC data featured in ARC’s report, 阿巴拉契亚绝望病, overdose-related mortality rates for the region’s 25–54-year-old age group—those in their prime working years—were 72 percent higher in 2021 than for the same age group in the country’s non-Appalachian areas.

For more information on 靠谱的买球网站’s 项目一个m-Ex, please contact New at 或致电276-523-9123.